Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Art of Ego Rodriguez

Writes artist Ego Rodriguez:

I am a queer illustrator. My work showcases intimate moments, spontaneity and unapologetic celebration of male eroticism. I bring fantastic colour, boldness, and humour from classic illustration into contemporary themes.

To visit Ego's official website, click here.

Related Off-site Link: Ego Rodriguez's Official Website

See also: The Art of Liam Campbell | Richard Vyse | David Jester | Aaron Moth | Travis Chantar | Douglas Simonson | Guglielmo Plüschow | Vilela Valentin | Dante Cirquero | Nebojsa Zdravkovic | Brenden Sanborn | Wilhelm von Gloeden | Richard Haines | John MacConnell | Leo Rydell Jost | Jim Ferringer | Juliusz Lewandowski | Felix d'Eon | Herbert List | Joe Ziolkowski

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Hare

Image: Artist unknown. (Source)

Monday, December 23, 2019

Bel Homme

Image: Sukhdeep Mann (photographer unknown).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Winter Solstice Blessing

Related Off-site Links:
Winter Solstice 2019: 10 Things to Know About the Shortest Day of the Year – Brian Resnick and Brad Plumer (Vox, December 18, 2019).
Magic of Newgrange at Winter Solstice Never Fails to Astound – Kate Hickey (Irish Central, December 21, 2019).
The Winter Solstice: Time to Celebrate Yourself – Iman MacKenzie (Brig Newspaper, December 15, 2017)., December 21, 2019).
The Winter Solstice Begins a Season of Storytelling and Ceremony – Dennis Zotigh (Smithsonian Magazine, December 9, 2017).

See also the previous posts:
Winter Solstice
Let the Spiral Turn and Turn
Sol Invictus

Monday, December 16, 2019

Sweet Release

Orgasm, which is usually accompanied by ejaculation for a man, is the culminating stage of sexual arousal.

Ejaculation cannot be stopped once it has started, for it is an involuntary process of muscular contraction and release of tension. But a man can control how soon he ejaculates during sex in a variety of ways. He can increase the pressure on his penis by making deeper or harder thrusts during intercourse, or by more vigorous hand movements during masturbation, or by having his partner massage his prostate through the perineum or through the internal wall of the rectum via a finger inserted through the anus.

Another way is to contract the internal muscles which run through from his pelvic bone to his penis, a movement which will both speed up ejaculation and make it more intense. Learning to contract and therefore strengthen these muscles will result in much more intense orgasms and a much more powerful ejaculation.

Once the level of stimulation has reached such a point that the final phase of sexual arousal begins, your body prepares itself for orgasm in all kinds of ways. Your blood pressure goes up, your heart rate rises, your breathing becomes deeper and heavier, and there are involuntary contractions of muscles throughout your body, producing a desire to thrust deeper into your partner.

Immediately prior to ejaculation itself, seminal fluid builds up in the prostate gland. This produces that familiar sense of impending ejaculation – that moment where you just know you are going to ejaculate and nothing will stop it.

Then, at the moment of ejaculation, your testicles are drawn up close to your body, the urinary tract to your bladder closes so that your semen will spurt out of your penis rather than being passed back into your bladder, and the muscular contractions of your ejaculation take place.

These contractions involve the muscles at the base of the penis, the muscles of the penis shaft, the muscles around the anal sphincter, the pubococcygeus muscle, and the muscles of the rectum. They contract about eight times, maybe slightly more or less, at 0.8 second intervals, and as they do so the seminal fluid containing sperm is expelled. These contractions may lead to semen shooting out or just dribbling from the tip of your penis, depending on the condition of the muscles, how long it is since you last ejaculated, and the volume of fluid which has accumulated during the earlier phases of your sexual arousal.

Orgasm is the sensation that accompanies the ejaculatory contractions. It can be an energy flow, a sense of muscular contraction, an overall feeling of well-being.


See also the previous posts:
Rethinking the "Normal" Penis (Part I)
Rethinking the "Normal" Penis (Part II)
Not a Weapon or a Mere Tool
Reaching Out
The Body: A Holy Place of Romp and Renewal
The Body's "Holy Hole"
A Source of Great Pleasure
Body and Soul

Images: Subjects and photographers unknown.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Bel Homme

Image: Subject and photographer unknown.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Nanabush was the grandson of the Earth, Nokomis, and because of this, was part human and part spirit. His talents were many, so the Great Spirit sent Nanabush to the north country to give the first animals their names and best features, and to help the first people learn how to hunt and find medicines. Above all, he was sent to teach them how to be kind and helpful toward one another.


Image: Christi Belcourt.

See also the previous posts:
Trickster Hare
Symbol of Enlightenment

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wintry Scene

See also the previous posts:
In the Winter Garden
Across Snow-blanketed Grass
Winter's Herald
A Calendar of Hares

Artwork: Artist unknown.

Monday, December 2, 2019

A Source of Great Pleasure

Writes Bill Brent in The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Men:

Like the head of the penis, the anal region is rich in nerve endings. In fact, some men experience intensely pleasurable sensations in the penis during receptive anal penetration. The prostate gland, an important sexual organ that can only be stimulated directly through anal penetration, is a source of great pleasure for many men. . . . Like the genitals, the anus engorges with blood during sex and contracts upon orgasm. Some people learn to control these contractions to prolong orgasm and increase its intensity.

See also the previous posts:
The Body: A Holy Place of Romp and Renewal
The Body's “Holy Hole”
“Downtown Heaven”

Images: Subjects and photographers unknown.