Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Men Amidst Flora

To celebrate the return of spring here in the northern hemisphere, I share a selecion of images of men amidst flora, both indoor and outdoor. These images are accompanied by a beautiful poem by Wendell Berry. Enjoy!

Sowing the seed,
my hand is one with the earth.

Wanting the seed to grow,
my mind is one with the light.

Hoeing the crop,
my hands are one with the rain.

Having cared for plants,
my mind is one with the air.

Hungry and trusting,
my mind is one with the earth.

Eating the fruit,
my body is one with the earth.

– Wendell Berry

Images: Subjects and photographers unknown (except image 7, Saaxiib Qurux Badan by The Leveret).

See also the previous posts:
Going Floral
The Art of Travis Chantar
The Art of Vilela Valentin
Afternoon Light
Bel Homme – August 22, 2015
Bel Homme – April 22, 2013
Bel Homme – July 5, 2012
Bel Homme – June 2, 2012
All the Time
The Divine Masculine Principle
Spring Bouquet
Burgeoning Life Force
“Hail to the Seasonal Prince”