Saturday, January 12, 2013

Creature of Mystery, Creature of Magic

Write George Ewart Evans and David Thomson . . .

Familiarity unveils mystery. Elusiveness and solitude enhance it. And of all the creatures linked with the mystery of magic, the hare is the most remote. The practice of magic is secret, its conception fearful and imaginative, and to cause fear arouses much the same emotion in a human being as to feel it. You cannot consciously make another person or an animal afraid without fearing something in yourself. The hare fears man as she fears any other beast of prey. Man has for centuries feared the hare because of the supernatural powers with which he has endowed her, in her solitude, her remoteness, her subtle, natural skills.

– George Ewart Evans & David Thomson
The Leaping Hare

p. 221

Image: Haslen.

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