Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Art of Ismael Álvarez

Writes Ismael on his official website:

My name is Ismael Álvarez. I was born in Ayamonte, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain. The son of a civil guard and of a gypsy mother, nothing else could come out than a restless ass like me. My mother is perhaps the one who gave me good handling of the pencil, since during pregnancy, while others have a craving for chocolate and the like, she took to drawing. She filled entire notebooks with voluptuous women, with big breasts, huge asses, and sex, a lot of sex.

I studied Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid, the city in which I have lived since I was very little. It is in Madrid where I started working as an illustrator, designer and photographer; going through the world of fashion, television and acting. Now living in Barcelona.

My work can be found in publications such as VOGUE Japan, Rolling Stone Magazine, The Sunday Times, Playboy, GayTimes, etc. I've always liked trying in different fields, that's why it's hard for me to say no to the different offers they offer me, and you can find me in an internationally famous magazine as well as in a photocopied neighborhood fanzine.

I love art, in all its aspects. I adore Gustav Klimt, Warhol and Lichtenstein. I am fascinated by Tom from Finland, he marked my professional and personal life, he is the god of homoerotic art. I adore the world of eroticism, and even pornography.

Related Off-site Link: Ismael Álvarez’s Official Website

See also: The Art of Stefano Junior | Saul Lyons | Alexis Vera | Mauna Nada | Ego Rodriguez | Liam Campbell | Richard Vyse | David Jester | Aaron Moth | Travis Chantar | Douglas Simonson | Guglielmo Plüschow | Vilela Valentin | Dante Cirquero | Nebojsa Zdravkovic | Brenden Sanborn | Wilhelm von Gloeden | Richard Haines | John MacConnell | Leo Rydell Jost | Jim Ferringer | Juliusz Lewandowski | Felix d'Eon | Herbert List | Joe Ziolkowski

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Bel Homme

Image: Subject and photographer unknown.

Sunday, November 15, 2020


See also the previous posts:
Hare in Morning Mist
Song in Autumn
Hare’s Breath

Image: Photographer unknown.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


The ancient festival of Samhain marked the last day of the Celtic year, with the rising of the sun on the following morning illuminating the New Year and the turning of the wheel. Samhain was a crucial time of year, loaded with symbolic significance for the pre-Christian Celts. As they watched the sun descend into the western skies, the symbolic inference was that of a descent into the Otherworld. This marked the thinning of the veil, as those within the Otherworld were free to roam the Earth. The Sidhe, (faeries as we know them, for we know so little of them) have the power of shapeshifting and were deemed able to walk among us, unknown and unrecognisable to mortals. Alongside them travel our ancestors and other spirits we fail to recognise. It is a night filled with magic!

– C. O'Neill

Related Off-site Link:
Hallowtide ReflectionsThe Wild Reed (October 31, 2020).

See also the previous posts:
In the Image of the Horned God
I Call to Cernunnos . . .

Images: Artists unknown except for images 11 and 15 which are by St. Jinx.