Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Source of Joy for the Beauty of Life Itself

Writes Toby Johnson in Gay Spirituality: The Role of Gay Identity in the Transformation of Human Consciousness . . .

Sex has psychological aspects. Entering the altered state of consciousness with another person opens us to him and him to us. Sharing orgasms with another person stirs feelings of connection and intimacy. It opens us to his "karmic patterns" (which is why we should exercise caution about whom we get involved with). It deepens true love when that is present. It boosts our self-image and raises our energy level. Being in love and full of sexual vibrancy makes us feel good. Even without the emotions of "true love," having a satisfying sexual connection with another man makes us feel alive.

Having sex that feels good and makes us self-assured and confident in our worth as a person and as an attractive human body changes our behavior. We can be kind and loving, happy and generous, sharing our joy with other people. "Everybody loves a lover" says the old song lyric.

When we seek spiritual answers as gay people, we are necessarily looking for sex-positive and gay-positive answers. This puts us in a special place in the evolution of religion.

The experience of attraction to another man (or, for a lesbian, to another woman) is a source of joy for the beauty of life itself.

– Excerpted from Gay Spirituality
by Toby Johnson
p. 29

Recommended Off-site Link:
Toby Johnson's Official Website

See also the previous Leveret posts:
Gay Consciousness, Sex, and the Evolution of Religion
Affirming Our Essential Goodness
Wrestling with the Angel
Hallowtide Transformations
The Body: A Holy Place of Romp and Renewal
Body and Soul
Gay Identity
Animal Energies

Image: Kat Harding (from The Gay Man's Kama Sutra by Terry Sanderson).


  1. can anyone assist me understand the essence of the key concept / idea/s / message / etc of this text

  2. Hi, Shane! I think this excerpt is saying that sex is a very powerful and important aspect of human reality, and that this is true for all people, including gay people. This power and importance can be understood to have a spiritual dimension, and once you acknowledge gay people's sexual experiences than that has implications for spirituality and religion. Does this help?
