Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Divine Masculine Principle

By Kushite Prince

NOTE: The following is written by Kushite Prince and was first published January 23, 2015 on his blog, Kushite Kingdom.


The Divine Masculine represents an archetypal ideal, the best and most inspiring, elevating, and restorative aspects of masculine expression and manifestation in the universe.

For those seeking an expanded understanding of the Self, the Divine Masculine is not a distant, detached, jealous and vengeful male deity. The Divine Masculine acts as a shining mirror of the Self, revealing aspects that need compassionate attention and support to become one’s highest potential.

As multifaceted, spiritually-embodied beings, we each have a complex psychological and emotional constitution that produces one’s inner health and outer reality. One of the two most fundamental aspects of being is the Divine Masculine archetype.

Each one of us, male and female, carries within our psyche both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetype energies. From these archetypal energies come all our conscious thoughts, plans, desires, goals and agendas. These energies intertwine and cooperate to produce a uniquely personal expression and experience of life. Sexuality is just one expression in which this confluence of energies distinctly manifests. A male gendered body does not mean that only masculine energy is present. Gender (genitals, body) and the archetypal composition of the psyche are independent of each other.

For a man reading this, you may wish to expand your understanding of masculine archetypes and see how these are showing up currently in your life and then consider evoking a more fuller, or “higher” expression into one’s psyche. Men who consciously assimilate Divine Masculine archetype energy express higher levels of awareness and spiritual states of being along with greater satisfaction in life experience. Women reading this are equally served by contemplating Divine Masculine qualities while seeking to integrate these into their inner male expression.

The Sage archetype is a very important aspect of the Divine Masculine expression for our species. The Sage is closely aligned with the Priest archetype, however the Sage emanates an additional aspect of advocating “right action,” dharma. The Sage is the Ego in service to, and “right-relationship” with, the higher Self’s power.

The Sage observes, tracks, scans, monitors data from all sources (within and without) and channels wisdom leading to “right action.” The Sage is detached from ordinary life flow, watching and engaging energies with wisdom and toned action as needed for synchronistic harmony of life.

Being with a man in the fullness of the Sage archetype feels like this: Unheralded, he quietly and deftly shares with others wise counsel and channeled direction that shifts the receiver into new possibilities and pathways that reflect “right action” for their life path. He quietly supports the wisdom of others, not seeking acclaim or notice for his contribution. He is thoughtful and reflective and rests in his felt connection with spirit and grounded connection with the earth, Gaia, the source of his wisdom and insight.

The Sage’s importance comes to the fore during crisis and intense need. Through the uniquely formed conduit that the Sage embodies, wisdom and “right action” become clear. With the Sage’s contribution we feel confident and assured that our path is the right one for us, we respond to life with a calm easefulness that transitions crisis and change with grace and wisdom.

Where the Priest archetype has a primary focus on the “inward” realm, the Sage archetype has an “outward” focus of service – to manifest channeled wisdom into being.

The Warrior archetype is the most represented and exploited archetype in our culture — being elevated and revered by the dominant patriarchal society as: disciplined leader and protector. While these are two of the Warrior’s sterling qualities, it is what comprises his fullness that makes this archetype truly a divine expression.

Warrior qualities include: decisiveness and clarity of thought, selfless service, genuine humility, strength of experiential “knowing,” courage to do what serves the highest good even when it is a personal challenge to do so. He serves to maintain and support established systems and forms consciously, without blind rigidity, being exemplary in loyalty to a greater good beyond personal gain.

He remains calm and centered while under challenge. He is inwardly aligned and integrated – in touch with his feelings, being warm and compassionate, appreciative and generous at every opportunity. He fights “the good fight” in favor of benefiting the greater good and making life more fulfilling for everyone.

Being in the presence of a man in the fullness of the Warrior archetype feels like this: His strength of stature is evident and unheralded – not needing accolades or compliments. He contributes without fanfare or needing to direct or “lord” himself over others. He eagerly responds to requests of service showing respect to all – especially to those “elder” to him, as well as other men, women, children, animals and the earth.

He “knows himself” and finds his place in collaborative projects, being fulfilled and contented with the collaboration and not by ambition or competition. The man in the fullness of the Warrior makes you feel safe while not being oppressed by his stature or protection.

– Kushite Prince
"The Divine Masculine Principle"
Kushite Kingdom
January 23, 2015

See also the previous posts:
I Call to Cernunnos . . .
"Hail to the Seasonal Prince"
Animal Energies
"We Are Still Mythical"
In American Gods, An Otherworldly Depiction of Queer Attraction and Connection
Beauty and the Beard
Luminous and Safe in Vulnerability
Handsome in Pink
For the New Year . . .

And on The Leveret's brother site, The Wild Reed, see:
Meeting and Embodying the Lover God
Reclaiming the Power of Male Touch
Beloved and Antlered
Integrating Cernunnos, "Archetype of Sensuality and the Instinctual World"
The Archetype of the Double and Male Eros, Friendships, and Mentoring
A Fresh Take on Masculinity
Vessels of the Holy
The Body: As Sacred and Knowing as a Temple Oracle
No Altar More Sacred
To Be Held and to Hold
An Erotic Encounter with the Divine
Spirituality and the Gay Experience
The Holy Pleasure of Intimacy
The Many Manifestations of God's Loving Embrace

First and last images: Subject and photographer unknown.
Image 2: Paulo Pascoal. (Photographer: Francisco Martins.)
Image 3: Subject and photographer unknown.
Image 4: Subject and photographer unknown.
Image 5: Urtreen by Sergei.
Image 6: A depiction of Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther. (Artist unknown.)
Image 7: Subject and photographer unknown.

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