Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mon Bel Ami

Image: The Leveret.


  1. just a hunch that i could forward you this


    one of the 7 founding fathers of this republic (1916) always had his photo taken = mirroe image to this photo -- he was a mystic and also had was of same gender preference

    you do know how to press Buttons

  2. Hi leveret
    the content of your blog just causes me to surmise that the magical unknowable forces of fate and destiny are with me at this time - only hindsight can give a partial understanding to this unfoldment if one stays in humility, i feel
    as a gemini/taurus INFJ i may come across as impulsive and sporadic - and if you are an INFP like my cousin my communication style will irritate you . so i will turn down my instant response and enquiries
    my personality style is quite similar to Hare like behaviour
    have a great week and the beauty , grace and insight of your blog has woven unique patterns in my evolution at these times thanks for you (buioch Duit) Shane
